Sunday, February 14, 2010

Welded Deep V Aluminum Boat Which Kind Of Jon Boat Is The Best?

Which kind of Jon Boat is the best? - welded deep v aluminum boat

I would especially like to fish and explore the island is very flat, but not always deep, and the lake can be very risky to some great big waves.

Aluminum or fiberglass? Welded or riveted (if applicable)? With a flat bottom or v-hull?


Golden Feather said...

To explore the islands with a pile of rocks and the sea, with some good big waves, what I want to become serious.
1. Aluminum, fiberglass and stones do not mix, even with some protection from the beaches of the trunk. You get more miles per gallon of gasoline with aluminum fuselage at the front of the trunk fiber of equal length.
2. Welded, riveted work is lost, and if they can be a good rock and dented the helmet with rivets to break the watertight seal.
3. V-Hull - are nice flat bottom of the shallow lakes that have not received raw water or wind. A V-hull is more stability in rough water and dry.
4. With all that said and gas, so that when I get my fiberglass rod, would consider a boat Triton Aluminum Bass Xpress, for allPerform the above reasons.
5. Some controls do not forget about and discover what you really need, and make sure you make the lake and run it and take the gas .... Aluminum, welding, V-Hull, or a semi-V hull (which includes all kinds of names and with different boot manufacturers have, but all boats have some sort of change in performance V-Hull).
Do some research before you make a real turning point, as the market is a different kind of decision with a certain time, with the title.
NOTE: Some may not agree on this point, but never what you get with me, get the biggest machine of taking the boat. A large engine burns less gas in the fight against the wind, waves, etc. A small administration of their courage. It also facilitates the resale value.
Have fun and be safe.

Boy years seems like I've talked Xpress Boats has memorized the statistics ....:)) LOL

Fisherma... said...

Cartop If you are then to a lightweight aluminum Jon boat.

If you tow, then I would like a welder Aluminum Boat Jon says you have to deal with the rocks.

Hold the glass fiber, "Jon" Bluewave flats boat like a boat. It is an inflatable hull heavy and not really consider it a real "Jon boat".

I prefer a flat bottom. Did not even have a V-hull jon boat? A V-hull is a re-ignition.

Good luck and good fishing - 73 Fisherman

exert-7 said...

Hydrodynamic hull welded aluminum. The hull material is thicker in the industry, the highest rating HP, incredible resale value ... What you might want. Free gas?
Of all the different brands should their heads above the others. Period!
* Added * With the Golden Pen, I learned these vessels under the former professional who has probably forgotten more ships, and that most people never know. The old man knows his stuff!

caunltd said...

Aluminum flat bottom welded.

Here are my favorites ..... Both manufacturers
1 - (watch boats JAC)
2 -

otocatch... said...

It all depends on how much money you spend, if money is no problem to go with a bottom fiber V, but if they go with a flatbottom soldiers.

bran said...

There is not much, but I want to 14 feet

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